UNC-Chapel Hill Graduate

UNC-Chapel Hill Graduate

Sunday, July 17, 2011

My Dental Research is Completed

I have completed 50 hours of dental shadowing in Africa. This was truly a wonderful experience. I have learned more about dentistry than I have ever learned in the U.S. Although it was hot, with no AC the majority of the time, I made it. I can say that I have lived an African life while I have been here. From the struggle to the sunshine, I have experienced it. Dr. George invited me to his home to have dinner and to meet his wife. I must say that his house was beautiful. It was really big, decorated lovely, and very modern; he also had an underground pool in the back yard. Dr. George’s wife made a delightful African dinner: Benachin (rice and fish), Chicken Yassa, Potatoe salad, and Vinegar Salad. She served Ice Cream and fresh mango for desert. The moral of the story is that I finally had the opportunity to eat a delicious African meal, with no complaints. Dr. George was really sad to see me leave, but he told me to keep in touch with him and if I needed anything, just to let him know. I am honored to have met Dr. George, he taught me a lot and showed me that no matter what your upbringing may be, you can always rise to the top with hard work. He always quotes “To whom much is given, much is expected”. Dr. George told me that he owns an apartment her in The Gambia, and if I ever come back, I can stay there for free, or at his home. He plans to see me in 6 years after I am a dentist, when I come back to volunteer as a Dentist, assisting those in need. I will be honest, I did not like Africa; however, it taught me a lot. I would never come back for a vacation, but I would always come back to help serve those in need of oral health care. Lastly, I will never forget Amna, she is a very bright woman with so much drive. We learned so much from each other. We have two different backgrounds, but we have the same passion. I had so much fun with YOU AMNA (I know you are reading).

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